+- Western Amateur Radio Association

Western Amateur
Radio Association

Blake's Barbeque Saturday September 14th at 6 PM. Save the date

Welcome to the Western Amateur
Radio Association

Nearly four decades of providing
service to our community.

Wara History

Member Sign In

Net control and update member records
Call Sign:
Phone Number:


Our speaker, Bob Turner is the Section Manager for the Orange Section of ARRL. He will be speaking about the new changes at ARRL. WARA is an ARRL affiliated club.

He operates HF with an Icom 7800 from his QTH into a G5RV. He uses a Yaesu 450D and Buddipole for portable setups. He chose this rig for easy transport for Field Day, POTA, or just traveling with his travel trailer.

Bob retired from working in the public school system in 2019 where his last position was as the Director of Risk and Emergency Management for a unified school district with 20,000 students, and approximately 2,000 staff. At the district he designed the communications system where we used Analog VHF, UHF, and Digital UHF. He utilized a Radio over IP (RoIP) system where he could cross connect any two systems (yes even connect the analog VHF system to the digital UHF system) for complete districtwide communications when neccessary. He could also contact and/or monitor any school site's radio system from anywhere he had access to the internet.

He has been involved in disaster and emergency preparedness for nearly 30 years and still teaches CPR, First Aid, Active Shooter, and does some work as a school safety consultant through his firm California Preparedness Resource, LLC, which is also a RCA Communications Systems authorized dealer.

Please join us .....

General Meetings are
the 1st Monday of each month
at 7:00 PM at the Sizzler in Fullerton.

Need Directions?

Weekly Nets

Please join us every Wednesday evening
at 7:00 PM for our WARA Net.
145.400 - -600 PL 103.5

FCC Registration/Renewal Aids - Thank you Eleonore KK6NKC - Member at Large 2024

Register and Associate Username Account to an Existing FCC Registration Number(FRN)

Amateur License Term and Renewal Instructions

VEC Testing

WARA has its own VEC Team.
We offer mentoring and testing once a month. Please contact George at 562 544 7373 if you want to attend.


Good News - Now Offering Amateur Radio VE Testing Sessions

Please read this brief letter written by Greg who tested at the WARA testing center to the VEC at arr.org. This club does a great job promoting HAM radio

I wanted to let you know what an amazing job the Western Amatuer Radio Association VEC does.

I first tested with them in June of 2019 for my Technician ticket, and again in October of 2019 for my General. (I went somewhere else for my Amateur Extra in June 2020 - pandemic and all - or I would have tested with them again.) This team knows what they are doing and run a really well-organized, professional session. I recommend WARA to everyone who asks me about testing.

I apologize for the delay, but today I happened to run across George, N6VNI, WARA's VE Liaison, on the air. Turns out we have a mutual friend, one of my radio mentors. We had a nice chat, and I remembered how well WARA treated everyone who came to them for testing. I thought it important to let you know.

Thank you for everything that you do for Amateur Radio,
Greg Gerovac

Please see HERE for location and instructions

HAM radio has come a long way in 50 years
Today you say that people have no idea what it is ...
Check out this video recommended by George.

WARA Board

Western Amateur Radio Association's Board of Directors

Christie Russell AI6ZN

Carolyn Berchtold W6VNI
Vice President

Kristine Jacob KC6TOD

Michael Berchtold K6MKL
Past President

Albert Solomon AG6OF
Member at Large

Eleonore Dutkus KK6NKC
Member at Large

Nicholas Haban AF6CF
Member at Large

Gene Thorpe KB6CMO
N6ME Trustee

Member of the Month

Vi Berret

Meet Vi Barrett, Sadly now a silent key. W6CBA She has been an active ham radio operator since February 1948! When her uncle returned from fighting in World War II, he highly influenced her to learn Morse Code and to be a ham radio operator. She has been active ever since, especially with using DX and FT8. And she has spread her knowledge being an instructor at local schools. What an interesting and fascinating lady she is.

George Jacob

George Jacob, WARA Vice President. George Jacob has been a ham for 31 years. As a kid he was interested in CB radio which peaked his interest to being a ham radio operator. He was in the United States Army from March 15th, 1965 to March 15th, 1968 and was honorably discharged as a sergeant E-5. He likes DXing and has 312 countries confirmed. He has received 12 DXing awards, 8 Band DXCC awards, 5 band all-state awards and is a past president of SoCal DX club. He was awarded a Southwest Division Volunteer Award in 2017. He has been married 52 years to Kris. His advice to others: STUDY HARD AND UPGRADE!
Please contact webmaster Jim at KM6YCA@gmail.com
with questions, information or comments about the website