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Membership Fees are $25.00 Per Year
New applications will be prorated at $2.10 per month for the remaining months.

We accept:
  • Cash - Payments in cash may be made at any WARA meeting.*DO NOT MAIL CASH
  • Money Order
  • Check (minimum $20.00 returned check fee)
Please make payable and mail to:
Western Amateur Radio Association
P.O. Box 5565
Fullerton, CA 92838-5565

Membership Application
  • Membership status is only granted upon receipt of dues.
  • Permission to include your name, call-sign and e-mail address is granted unless you opt-out in writing.
*If you elect to mail cash the Western Amateur Radio Association does not guarantee receipts of funds and is not responsible for any lost funds.

*** Join us, click the link below to fill out a membership form. It's only $25 ***

Join Wara

Get Your HAM License

HamTestOnline - online courses for the ham radio exams
- online courses for the ham radio exams

They provide online courses for the U.S. ham radio license exams. By integrating study materials with question drills, and using the actual exam questions and answers, you will be able to approach your Amateur Radio Licesne Examination with confidence. When you are ready, the WARA VEC Team is ready to welcome you in to Ham Radio and invites you to join the Western Amateur Radio Association

Print and fill out the FCC 605 Form FCC Form 605 and bring to the testing session

or fill it out online HERE

You may need an FRN number which you can obtain from the FCC at FRN

Join us, click the link below to fill out a membership form. It's only $25
Join Wara

WARA Members

Angela Abbott KN6OQB
Vi Barrett W6CBA
George Benfit KN6UVC
Michael Berchtold K6MKL
Carolyn Berchtold W6VNI
Kevin Bruelette AJ6EE
Dale Cabell N6AQQ
Eric Cooper KB6VPI
John Cross WM2I
Wilde David KM6ZFO
Amanda DeCoro KF6SRO
Ward Dixon KI6YJS
Robert Doidge KI6KYW
Shelley Doidge KI6WUJ
Eleonore Dutkus KK6NKC Member at Large
June Eckert AG6UG
Gene Eckert KJ6OML
David Elder KA6TBF
David Fincher KM6OPS
Greg Gerovac K6GYO
Robert Gimbel KG6WTQ
Georden Grabuskie AD1CL
Nicholas Haban AF6CF Member at Large
James Hayden KN6CIP
Stephen Henderson KB6JET
Jodeen Hultquist KK6OBO
George Jacob N6VNI Vice President
Kristine Jacob KC6TOD Secretary/Treasurer
Moore Kevin KM6ZQC
Harish Kumar KO6FJT
Paul La Capria KN6OCO
Paul La Chance KN6ENU
Rhonda Larson KM6YBZ
Jim Larson KM6YCA
Martin Lloyd KM6PRA
Dave Long W6DSK
Jim Lytthans K6VRY
Greg Madden WQ9P
Janet Margelli KL7MF
Chip Margelli K7JA
Ernie Medina KN6FCT
Kenneth Moll KM2D
Judi Murdock KK6GLA
Todd Oishi KF6SRW
Kathleen Oishi KG6UWB
David Oishi KF6QIA
William Oishi KG6YGI
Scott Orr W6MKO
Barbara Osterman WB6PIH
Fred Osterman W0PE
Daniel Page K6DHP
Jack Pankenier KJ6JEP
Chris Prewitt WA6OQC
Steve Rhodes KF6JIN
Ray Rounds K6RAX
Steve Ruiz AG6YC
Christie Russell AI6ZN Member at Large
Greg Sachnewyc none y
Richard Sherwood N6RU
Sandi Sherwood N6CU
Fred Shipman W6FWS
John Silzel N6HCN
Albert Solomon AG6OF President
Helen Solomon KJ6IEN
Sharon Spring K6IRD
Wayne Spring W6IRD
Robert Spurr KN6JWJ
Charles Streitz KK6HFS
Paul Takeshita W6TAK
Sandra Takeshita KN6DXR
Christoph Takeshita KN6OCP
Cheryl Thorpe KE6TZU
Gene Thorpe KB6CMO N6ME Trustee
Lich Ton-That KN6ZZX
Alton Tuttle NI6HT
Rosa M Vasquez KM6PRC
John Whyte N6JBW
Robert Ziegler KF6EVX

Please contact webmaster Jim at KM6YCA@gmail.com
with questions, information or comments about the website